Thursday, February 25, 2010

What Is Ic Butal Apap 325 Caff Tab

forward with you to improve

(picture by allegra - FlickR)

"Yet there is another consolation. One must know that all of nature is impossible to break anything to destroy or even touching without her for what she touches, seeking something better. "
( Meister Eckhart)

The will of the true nature of things is for all things, regardless of their origin or nature, through and through well. But since the nature strives for ever and ever better, for all the things there are the effects of nature for the individual is often not.

If a lion tearing an antelope, has the nature not the suffering or misery or end of the gazelle in mind, but the welfare of the lion. Even a healthy lion tears never arbitrarily another animal out of spite, but selected from the weak and vulnerable animals, the lack of its own assets weaken the herd of prey animals unnecessarily.

seem opposite the individual's life to be quite so mercilessly, But this alleged cruelty ultimately results only from our lack of sight of the whole world - or the overall system.

time of our lives, we experience ourselves as individuals, is larger than a total reality. And therefore, Eckhart writes in Liber benedictus also that the one who is still looking for his comfort in the creature can never find true comfort and true balm for his soul. Who solace and lifting the suffering of the created names rather in the great spirit of unity that brings all things, looking simply at the wrong place.

There are two reasons for which people do not find what you are looking for. Either you are looking for the wrong thing at the right place or the right thing at the wrong place. Those looking for an object, an event, or a blessing of the heavenly world, the only thing they can find where the item or the item is found.

consolation is basically nothing more than to lift a painful condition. And of course, the creature that was created as part of their donation options consolation and encouragement, alleviate our suffering.

But true comfort in the sense Eckhart is a comfort that can not be lifted from suffering. Real comfort treated in a way the cause of suffering and not the symptom of negative experience.

We have indeed sometimes make seemingly negative experience for us to develop our skills. But just as the relief and the removal of suffering for our spiritual development is essential. Who suffers only and receives no comfort that comes out sooner or later, internally based.

The Great Spirit of Life - God - is offering us in all our sufferings and afflictions, our refuge, our help and alleviate symptoms. And may we all receive these supernatural blessings of believing and thanking. And another thing, God offers us: About the divine spark in us, brings forth all things life and together, we are with all things connected both on the creaturely level, and with the Creator himself to the supernatural level. And we see the experience of the All-unit, known by the mystics have always been a mystical union, we see how everything suddenly suffering from drop us, and we see how in a moment what does Eckehardt when he speaks of the true comfort that is found only in the unity of all things.


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