Monday, March 1, 2010

Funny 30th Birthday Invitation Sayings

I am ....

(picture by 96dpi -FlickR)

"It says our Lord: I'm with the people in suffering (Ps. 90.15)
Says St. Bernard: Lord you are with us in suffering, give me always to suffer, so that you always been with me to thee, that I own you at all times "
(Meister Eckhart - liber benedictus).

In our culture and our time we see the suffering in principle always be something bad . We have learned that is the goal of life, the consumption of pleasure ready finished goods or services. All this will help us this promised goal of the joyful and pleasurable consumption gain we welcome gladly accepted, whereas we all will make us trouble from the outset - sometimes radically - reject

These are just the troubles and hardships. of life, which to us more mature and fuller figures - one might even say - to make real, genuine people. This we also recognize the simple example of sport as a luxury item. For who will be physically healthier and in better shape - the one who incessantly at home the TV program related to the consumption of chips and junk food consumed, or the one who makes the effort every day to go jogging or work out other sports? Physical exercise is nothing more than physical effort in homeopathic doses - and so even the effort to own the improvement is necessary: a luxury good.

Even the great mystical ascetics have recognized that the conscious avoidance of a joyful event in itself not a new sorrow, but real, leading to salvation, happiness in our lives releases. Medieval-seekers have gone further and added this on purpose to pain, the asceticism of deliberate renunciation of physical pleasure, to lead to radical experience of suffering. In Islamic culture there exists a vivid metaphor that I found out by a Muslim that I know, the place exudes a fundamentalist rejection rather a serene, holy serenity and deep inner joy. He said: "If you go to sleep in hell, you wake up in paradise again.

I would not go so far as to say, one should look for the suffering active - or even cause harm. On the contrary. Our life is already full of suffering and bitter experience enough. Of these, none of us need more. I feel rather, our view of the suffering we experience the time of our lives are constantly exposed to change and the suffering rather than one of us outside charged under the load, we moan and groan, as the gateway to paradise to see.

God's deepest and most heartfelt wishes are changing, filled with his love and joyful life. Every heart that with his new love - with the Great Spirit of Life - combines a celebration of joy replaced the kingdom of heaven. And every rekindled, of God's love touched heart feels itself a heavenly joy, a celebration of the spiritual reality in his heart. Also in and through his personal suffering.

I myself can say that I have received the clearest manifestations of the kingdom of heaven in times of deep personal suffering. And as I have not closed the suffering I experienced the profound truth of the mystical teaching that lead the way to heaven by the fires of hell can.

The strongest and most mature People I've ever met, all had something in common: they were suffering. They did not have the necessary strategies have helped them to alleviate their suffering. They were honest with the pain she had to live through the times. And that honesty has given them the strength not to be fooled by societal standards. They had learned through the crises of their lives to swim against the tide - and to be themselves. With all the strengths. With all the weaknesses.

they smile in her life from a sacred, strong light. And even their shadows were more intense than that of most people. But that is why many people verspühren an urge from them to be guided. And become frustrated when they find that their spiritual role models are just ordinary people. Then push these people who somehow brilliant, deep and real people again for a while by themselves - their immediacy do not have to endure. But eventually they come back. And can be inspired by the power of life.

I say this: A man with a mask, and learned his suffering can push away by setting up new forms of suffering to a living-he-not endure. The real suffering, and thereby gained the virtues is against everything that he himself defined. The lives of others is the masked itself in question. It excites him to remove his mask. And nothing he fears more .....

So who are we even? People can be real - even in their suffering? People see their suffering as a gate of heaven? Or people that need to be still on the run from himself? Our attitude towards our life in its ups and downs, and to the great and sacred power of love that leads us from time to time in the deepest personal crises ultimately determines who we are as a person. And also who we are ...


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