Thursday, February 4, 2010

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near and far ....

(picture by Maria ~ ~ light earth, FlickR)

All suffering comes from love and affection
(M. Eckhart)
love and affection are based largely on the principle of similarity. They say also joined the same and equal to you. equal and equal, but equal and unequal. Opposites attract - a well known saying that many of us have also heard many times before.

similarity and dissimilarity condition in a way, harmony and disharmony. A counterpoint is about to, although the "counter-voice" a particular melody, but it does in the sense no disharmony. He has his own sense, his own musical laws, his own tune - yes, you could say his own mission. And that is why he is one of the supports for the fact that he is the listener of music as an enrichment: it goes its own way, in parallel, a melody is already its own way. The counterpoint as inspiration to a song if you will.

So it happens that you do things, creatures either loves so much, because they seem familiar to us in their similarity, or about love to win because they have a counterpoint to the melody of his own life . Form

/ * I love that man as other men is no big surprise. ? But what about with something completely different than what I like in * /

In theology, we say this: God is the very different. And in fact this is also the only thing that can be, what makes sense by virtue of human reason to God. It is somehow different - as we imagine him

exactly what leads us to one of the most exciting points of the Christian relationship to God: My relationship to God as a human being is a love relationship. And even more. God is not for us only a counterpart with which it can live with, but is the element in which we live. What the fish the water that is the Christian God - not for nothing was the fish, the first sign that the early Christians gave themselves - away from the cross.

And because God is again somewhat different. Although he is like the element in which we live, but he is also as the source through which we live. How about right at the start of the Christian doctrine of creation is, God breathed his breath into all creatures, in which lives a living soul. And it went out God by his spirit hovering lies over the whole surface of the then ancient sea. So there is something of God in all things.

Hence it is that first, you can find God in all things - and that there is an overall unity of all things that man can do in practice. This experience of the unity of all things is what we call the unio mystica, which is the goal of all (Christian) mysticism.

exactly what Eckhart says when he says: All suffering is only because I love the creature more than the Creator. He does not mean we should rooms an idea of God, then we collect all the other religious ideas and conceptions. We must serve God in the creature and the creature in God.

God is like a stream of universal love. Universal says: There is no place where God is not. Somewhere it says this, too: And I would sleep in hell, so you were still there. What a promise!

God is like a band of light that unites us all. love the creature in God means nothing else than to see - or rather, to experience, to feel, to experience - that between me and thee is no separation. I did not begin where you end. You end up not where I begin. We start here. We end here. Without beginning, without end, we are here. In the now.

is why all the suffering out of love and affection. Only when something as I perceive outside myself, I can tend to him. By the externality then I miss the presence of the beloved, if we happen not on the physical plane in physical proximity. At the same time I can be in the biggest turmoil, the loneliest man. If only I myself am an ego.

I Read Instead, however, that near and far are only a manifestation of myself, just because I am by God in one with a particularly far and near have no negative Konotation more: on the contrary. I'm close. And I'm far away. Why should I suffer, where I'm only in my own?


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