Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Urination Frequency While Menstruating

Vialle LPI LPG system in the Megane.

Soooo guys and gals,

after I promised weeks ago to set pictures and reports here of my LPG system, I will now put even going on. Sorry for the first time that it took so forever, but I'm currently really busy professionally.

So it was in my Megane a Vialle LPI system installed. This injects the LPG in its liquid state. The gas will not evaporate more so. I have paid for the system with installation, initial filling, and 24 months of motor insurance € 2,599.84.

The plant is running great. So far, I could not find that the car has less power than on gasoline and otherwise I am very satisfied. The consumption is quicker driving in city traffic and Landstraßenmix at 8.5 L. He was previously well, so I can live with it. In full power operation on the A14 and A9 I lie at 10-15 liters. This too is no different than running on petrol. Force is just fuel. If I let it roll across the highway with 110 cruise control, I have a consumption of 6.1 liters of LPG per 100km. This is a TOP value. I can live with that super.

Here are a few pictures of the whole.

control unit of the gas system

fuse block Gas plant

engine again Overview

tank connection


tank under the trunk

My pollute the interior after 28,000 km

documentation of the gas system

The system is now scarce 5000 kilometers of it and I am very satisfied. The system runs as reliable as my old evaporator system in my old Megane. Advantage of this here: I do not need any maintenance of the gas system can do more. There is no more evaporation exchange and otherwise, the system is completely maintenance free.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Electronic Battleship Directions Original

Günter Heinz brings Juan Carlos Valle

(Günter Heinz photo. HaJo Maquet)

is the end of August, a composition of the Saxon composer and jazz musician Günter Heinz, who is this year's three-month scholarship from the Cultural Foundation of Saxony , premiered . Come The performance of "Letters from smoke" will be presented at the literature festival "Bardinale" section.

The work is based on texts by contemporary English poet Juan Carlos Valle Karlotti. It is of the highest concentration, but also of the utmost sensitivity - as the words of the poet. Single words, such as thrown. And yet they produce images of great intensity. The lyrics are sung by Vanessa Vidal (Valencia) in the original language and in German. Günter Heinz and Ruairí O'Brien open up the language with their music and light compositions an enhanced experience which appeals to all senses.

Günter Heinz discovered the poet whose texts are read for the first time in Germany, through a newspaper notice that it (the musicians) with Karlotti (the poet) compared. There
Ildefonzo Rodrigez wrote: "... I saw something I had never seen before. Günter Heinz, these musicians, who always reminds Karlotti gave his trombone during the concert a sip of wine. Sensitive (everything is sensitive to Günter, his bubbling, gurgle, gurgle, his sound bubbles) he raised a glass filled with red wine and had to drink his trombone. As in the ancient history of the one who shares meals with wine and his animals ... "

Performance dates:
29th August 2010 Freiberg / Sa. Small village church Waltersdorf, Start: 20 clock
31st August 2010 Dresden, Jazz Club New ton, beginning 20 clock
"Letters of Smoke" by Günter Heinz
Vanessa Vidal (Speaker), Günter Heinz (music), Ruairi O'Brien (light type)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Hens Greeting Card Message

canoe ride is fun! At the

Yes, that saw our last "hiking" from ;)... On the Lahn in perfect weather and good mood ... then we paddled comfortably in between times jumping into the cool water. :)

by Germany's single boat tunnel (200m long) it went well.

And then through the double lock - to the delight of the children that the gates were allowed to turn on and off.

We must do that more often! Is really nice. If you also want to participate at upcoming events, outings, etc. Just register with me.
The next days were comfortable with at home ... ... and in the garden or the river sand beach. Life is good:).
Here's a raspberry cake that tasted good to us all:).

the cake I made, because Jessica in one of her books was a strawberry cake that she wanted to have our .... was just with raspberries. Leeeeecker!
What is your last and best creation? You may be happy to send me a picture. I look forward to news! :)
And next Week starts instead of the summer camp with a large group of great people. The program is again mixed and drive full of interesting lectures, fun games, swimming, singing, boating and more viielem. I'm looking forward riiiesig!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Make Eevee Happy In Silver

Nooordseeeküsteee, lalalala ....

Moin moin!

.... At the North Sea coast at the beach are the Büsumer Fiiische selteeeen in the water and on land ... ... And we in the mud:). Well, if the sea always cuts off ... Is never there ... and we ran today, behind the water;). At the North Sea with Sonja ... Uiuiui ... there is going watt;). After a nice mud-battle - hehe ... yes, Brown is also quite nice as skin color while still very healthy and purifying ;)... and fun only! And then in the private bath water ... some places where the water was still not completely gone ... and so beautiful warm water ... Too bad that you are not there! And how does it sound like when you knatscht through the tidal flats? Sure! Quaaatsch, marsh, spray (yes, really ... a lot of little water fountains and small Gysire:) especially where the water just disappears), aaaaah - the highest notes - (ok, that was Justin, as he thought him a Jellyfish attack ;)...), Hiiiilfe ... I'm stuck! (That was Jessica, who spat in the sinking .. hehe), auuuuaaaaa! (That was me. Again these common traps ... because you think that is so nice soft silt and whoosh you sink deeper and has a shell tip ruckidizuck under foot, which will force, at once, screaming and jumping hopsend on a walk through Watts ;)..) Mamaaaa ... I'm scared ... is there a Kreeb ... (oh ... is nööö but only ne crab and already dead .. just go on). Yes and we all rushed out and we laughed in the watts ... limp. Otherwise, it's just great here ... the weather is also great ... and you?

Yes, we are always happy ... it's fun in the mud ... you can find sooo much and the water splash when it's time because there is;).

it was great to swim through the tidal flats;).

sea lettuce - you can also eat just like that ... as long as the oil derrick is still totally is ... When you see the oil rig - there is a quite different. Hopefully it goes well.

Yes and that is the source or salt grass, which is also very tasty - like pretzel sticks. In business, it often means Salicorne. It grew frequently in some places.

There a whole "field" of it ...

here more ...

Beautiful sunsets are always great on the beach.

At St. Peter-Ording Although we found water ... but it is up there, you're already flat ... as you run only 1 km until you actually get to the water;) ... it's beautiful sand and many Dragons fans, who could be drawn with their kites over the beach.

Here the bladder .... also edible. The fact that we have not returned green surprise me almost ;)...
At the North Sea coast it is just beautiful ...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Women Bottomless On Beach

Yummy, yummy ... Successful

A quick update ... Here is a totally delicious strawberry cake, (cast by Kathy and Julie Kellner), which I would like to share with you.
250g cashews
10 figs
all mix and knead into a dough. Roll out on a plate.
cream: 250g cashews
150 g dates
Simply spread a layer of strawberries on the ground and covered with cream. Then another layer of strawberries on top ... Sooooo delicious, easy and good!

And if we just do not eat strawberry cake, then we go our merry ;)... The trampoline is just great for training and fun too.